Piedmont Makers is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to Support & Inspire K-12 S.T.E.A.M. education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Design, and Math) in Piedmont, CA & beyond.

What We Do

Inspiring the next generation of Makers

Part TED Talk, Part Social Hour, and All Fun
Monthly Newsletters
aCADemy CAD summer camp registration now open, Lego Robotics open house & Fall ‘25 registration now open, School Maker Faire - Call for Makers is open, FRC 8033 season kickoff and our awesome new practice facility, “The Case for Making” Parent Ed Talk tickets now available
Maker Faire Call for Makers, AP Physics C, Robotics News
Piedmont Makers gives $31K to PUSD school teachers, and the greatest robotics weekend in Piedmont Makers history!
$30K in Teacher Grants. Gingerbread FUNdraiser. tons of robotics news, AP Physics survey
$30K in Teacher Grants. 8033 shines against the world's best. Robotics volunteers needed.
Updates on High school course pathways, Robotics season kicks off with 100+ teams, Meet the Makers at the Piedmont Harvest Festival