In the Community
In 2024, Piedmont Makers:
Ran the largest community youth robotics league in the United States (again!) with 100+ teams and 700+ K-12 students across all four levels of FIRST robotics, with kids joining from 20(!) cities across the East Bay, including Piedmont, Oakland, Lamorinda, Berkeley, Alameda.
Held the Greatest Weekend in Piedmont Robotics History​, a 2-day celebration of kids' creativity and ingenuity with FLL Explore Expo and FLL Challenge Tournament
Launched the inaugural East Bay Hills FTC league with 16 teams across the East Bay
Platinum supporter of FRC Team #8033, our local high school team, who won the “FIRST Impact Award”, the most prestigious award at FIRST
Organized the 10th annual Piedmont School Maker Faire welcoming 80+ makers and 1000+ community members back to the Piedmont High School campus.
Awarded a record $31K in PUSD teacher grants for professional development and classroom materials. See the full grantee list.
Led a Float in the 4th of July Parade, entertaining 1,000 of onlooker with a 15' robot float, t-shirt cannon, mobile robotics tables, and street ready FRC robots
And so much more!
In 2023, Piedmont Makers:
Ran the largest community youth robotics league in the United States with 75+ teams and 530+ K-12 students across all four levels of FIRST robotics.
Helped accelerate the success of the Highlander Robotics (FRC team #8033), who advanced to the FIRST World Championships in Houston, TX for the second consecutive year.
Organized the 9th annual Piedmont School Maker Faire welcoming 80+ makers and 1000+ community members back to the Piedmont High School campus.
Awarded $25K in PUSD teacher grants for professional development and classroom materials. 2023-2024 S.T.E.A.M. Teacher Grants
And more!